As you begin ruminating on your New Year’s resolutions, consider five Top Financial Habits that will make your future more secure.
Rare Altitude
When extreme market levels, whether high or low, are reached, a range of investor sentiments tends to emerge. A review of some market characteristics can provide context for investment activity in the rare altitude of recurring new highs in a long bull market.
‘Tis the Season
In a turn of the phrase, “charity begins at home”, U.S. households on average are charitable. There are several ways to give.
Investor Behavior
A review of investor behavior can provide a sense of preferences and outcomes.
Fees, Costs & Alignment
Financial advisors come from a variety of disciplines: investment management, financial planning, securities brokerage, accounting, insurance, legal. They charge for their services through a variety of fee structures that reflect in part their core disciplines. There are pros and cons to any structure.
Observation and analysis over time have revealed important relationships among economic and financial variables and the resultant impacts on investor returns.
Not a Straight Line
Real life is less a straight line and more a cycle of overlapping goals, each requiring attention and resources.
On Our Minds
Since one has not occurred for quite a while, apprehension has been on the rise over the start of the next economic recession. Addressing apprehension with analysis can provide perspective and investment implications.
More Secure? The Benefits of Social Security
Social Security benefits are a core financial resource for many retiree households. What benefits can Social Security recipients expect in the future?
Fundamental Uncertainty
Investors always are confronted with uncertainties. At certain times, uncertainties over important fundamentals can reach levels that trigger outsized market responses.